Helping with a school move

Sometimes schools need to move premises, or departments within a school will be swapped round. It can be stressful for staff who need to keep teaching as well as sorting out all the resources they have accumulated (sometimes over many many years!).

If you are aware that this will be happening, there is the opportunity to get a team together from local churches who can offer to help out in very practical ways.

  • Packing resources into boxes

  • Hoovering and dusting the empty classroom

  • Moving boxes between rooms/locations

  • Helping to unpack boxes and set rooms up at the other side of the move

The teacher still needs to decide what goes where; it is his/her classroom after all! 

A school which had this help from volunteers from three churches reported that teachers were blown over that people had made the effort to come in and help; they felt valued and cared for by the church.


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