Bikeability Scotland

We were recently inspired by the minister at St Ninian’s Church in Stonehouse who had been supporting his local school with the delivery of the national cycling programme Bikeability Scotland.

The programme is completely free, delivered by trained instructors, and helps children build the skills and confidence they need to cycle on today’s roads. It’s delivered across three levels, usually beginning in P5.

The training fits within the context of the Curriculum for Excellence by supporting specific Health & Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes and can contribute to a child’s:

  • Emotional, social, and physical wellbeing

  • Education and attainment

  • Hazard perception and awareness

  • Confidence and self-awareness

Could you serve your local school by becoming a Bikeability Instructor. You don't need to be a cycling expert to take part, anyone with experience and confidence riding a bicycle can do the training.

Find out more:


Blessing of the Backpacks