Showing the Church Cares! 

A group of retired teachers from four difference churches across Perth, gather each Tuesday afternoon to run an after school Maths Help Club. Meeting in the youth room at Perth Baptist, the church provides an ideal location because of its proximity to both Perth High School and Perth Academy. 

Having retired from teaching in 2008, James Gill initiated a revision support initiative, inviting students to receive additional help in Mathematics before their prelims in November/January and during the Easter holidays. The endeavour, endorsed by the local schools, gained traction quickly, attracting around 20 participants per session. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the group transitioned to virtual meetings via Zoom and email, ensuring continued support for struggling students. However, as restrictions eased, in-person meetings resumed, albeit with necessary precautions. 

James explained, “it’s good for these young people from different schools to come together and share challenges in Maths outside of the classroom. The support group has become so popular with 28 young people currently registered. Hopefully it shows the Church cares and can do a wee bit to help post pandemic. Most of those who come to our Maths Club have this in common – they don’t like their Maths teacher, or they don’t have one!” 

The success of the club has prompted discussion to expand provision to include S1- S3 students. Recruitment efforts are currently underway to enlist retired professionals with strong Mathematics skills. Plans include securing additional space within the church premises and offering sessions on Tuesdays to save parents with younger and older teenagers having to come twice a week.  

James added, “Despite the absence of concrete plans, there are amazing signs of God answering prayers. We held a BBQ to celebrate the end of exams last May and invited parents. We were delighted to be joined by 100 people and to have the opportunity to meet some very grateful parents. We’re keen to broaden our impact and as well as developing provision for the younger age group we’re also discussion expanding beyond maths.”  


Easter Journey in Aberdeen