The Time May Be Now

The challenge of supporting our local school communities over these past few years hasn’t been simple or straight-forward. In the midst of lockdowns and extended periods of home-learning, many churches found their relationship with their local schools disappear all together.

But as a semblance of normality begins to return, now may be the time to consider re-engaging. Or perhaps, even connecting for the first time.

Indeed, the pandemic has created a new landscape with a fresh set of priorities and a fresh set of opportunities.

In my own context, there has been a real openness from schools to engage with a range of communities partners, including churches, that they had never worked with before.

So how might you be able support your local school community? We know that it can feel daunting to begin anything new with the first steps often being the hardest. With the summer school holidays looming, below are some small practical steps you could begin to explore in your own congregations.

  • Gather a group from your church to pray for your local schools. You can also share and register your commitment to pray with Pray for Schools Scotland here

  • Consider together what skills and assets that you have that you could use to bless your local school communities?

  • Embark on a training course. Follow our social media channels for the regular opportunities.

  • Reach out to other churches in your area that you could potentially partner with.

  • Approach your local school for a conversation either with the head teacher or member of the senior management team. Click here for a more detailed guide.

  • Speak with parents on your school’s Parent Council to better understand local needs.

  • Check the the ideas section on the SYLS website for inspiration. We have a whole range or small, medium and big ideas suggesting different ways you could support your local school.

You can also reach out to us here at SYLS using the contact section of the website if you'd like to chat about developing or building on your relationship with your local schools. 


Going where young people are


Serving Schools this Christmas