Cosy Café in School

Cosy Cafe is a Fairtrade drop-in cafe that is set up in a school classroom during lunchtime once a week.  It is a relaxed and safe space amidst the busyness of a school day, where pupils can sit and chat, play games, eat their lunch, buy Fairtrade products and drink hot chocolate.  It provides an opportunity for members of the local churches to support the school and build relationships with pupils in a comfortable setting.  Also, if there is currently a Fairtrade group within the school it provides a link and supports them.

How could you start this yourself?

  • To set up a Cosy Cafe in a school, you would first of all need to meet with a member of the SMT of the school and discuss the idea with them.

  • Once given the go ahead you need to arrange a classroom to be used, and introduced to the staff member responsible for the Fairtrade group in the school.

  • You need a team of volunteers who can make hot drinks, and interact with the pupils.

  • Resources are needed to create a comfortable seating area as well as facilities to make hot drinks safely.

  • Get a copy of the Cosy Cafe starter pack.

 You could also run a Cosy Cafe in Church out of school time, and invite the young people from the school cafe into the church cafe, so the young people know what to expect


Cosy Café in Church


Open the Book