God Opens Doors: SU Groups in Schools

by John Clement Amalanand

It is always a joy to share how God leads and opens doors for His work in schools. Here are two stories of His guidance and faithfulness from my work here in Aberdeen.

A Breakthrough in Primary School

At my local Primary School, I have had the privilege of serving as a chaplain, working closely with staff and visiting classes every fortnight. However, when I first asked to start an SU group, I was told no—twice. I waited patiently, trusting in God’s timing. There’s always value in building trust and relationships over time. A few years later, I saw another opportunity to ask the leadership team, and this time, they said yes!

The group started small, with just three children. Then it grew to 12, then dropped back to three and the club didn't run for 3 years due to the pandemic. When we restarted it, God continued to work, we have over 35 children regularly attending the SU lunchtime group. At the start of the new year, I handed over leadership of the group to focus on running another SU group on the same weekday. The SU group in this school is still running and continues to be well-attended—evidence of God’s sustaining grace.

An Unexpected Blessing

For nearly five years, the local secondary school had been completely closed to chaplaincy and Christian influence. No doors seemed open, no opportunities arose. But just three months ago, a breakthrough came when SU was able to approach the school and start a group.

The leadership team had one request—they would allow an SU lunchtime group only if a Christian teacher within the school could be found to oversee it. However, they were unsure if any Christian staff members were in the academy. When this was asked in the staffroom, an amazing thing happened. A new trainee teacher, who had only joined three months earlier, put his hand up and said he was a Christian and would be happy to be present to run the club. God's timing is incredible—He provides the right people and resources just when they are needed!

Later, during a meeting with one of our volunteers who runs this club, I learned something remarkable. She had been prayer-walking around the school for years, asking God to open a door. After the club started, an S6 girl approached her, unaware of the volunteer's prayers, and shared how happy she was to see a Christian group in her school as this S6 pupil had been praying for over four years for a Christian club to begin.

It was incredible to see how God had placed someone inside the school and another outside, both praying for the same thing without knowing each other. Clearly, God’s heart is for our schools and young people. Currently, between 12 and 24 secondary pupils attend the SU lunchtime group each week.

God is on the Move!

These two small stories are a clear reminder that God is actively working in schools, opening doors in His perfect timing. Whether through perseverance, prayer, or unexpected connections, He makes a way where there seems to be none.

Let us continue to celebrate and pray for the continued growth of SU groups in schools. May many more young people encounter the love of Christ through these groups.

Wanting to start an SU group in your Secondary School but not sure what to do about it? Check out this video below for helpful tips and practical insight from Karen Stagoe, SU's Regional Worker based in Lanarkshire.


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